Set up Beaker


First, sign up for your Beaker account.

  1. From, click Log In.
  2. From Beaker Public, click Sign Up.
  3. Choose SIGN UP WITH GOOGLE and proceed to create and confirm your Beaker account.

If you already have an account, make sure to sign in before using Beaker.

  1. From, click Log In.
  2. From Beaker Public, click LOG IN WITH GOOGLE.
  3. Choose the Google account with which you signed up for Beaker.

When signed in, you’ll see your user name in the top-right corner of and have access to your Experiments, Datasets and Groups pages.


There are a few different ways to install Beaker:

  • Download a release and extract it:

      tar -xvzf beaker_*.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin

    Place the binary executable in your PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin/ or ~/bin).

  • macOS users can install Beaker through Homebrew with a custom tap:

      brew tap allenai/homebrew-beaker
      brew install beaker
  • GoLang developers can install Beaker from source using standard tools:

      go get -u

Configure and Test

To set up Beaker:

  1. Run beaker configure.
  2. When prompted for the Beaker address, enter
  3. When prompted for the user token, enter your token. Your token is available from your Settings at To find it, when signed in to Beaker, from the top-right corner click your user name, Settings.

For example:

% beaker configure⏎
Beaker Configuration

Press enter to keep the current value of any setting.
Results will be saved to /Users/username/.beaker

Beaker address [localhost:9027]:⏎
User token []: <your token>⏎

Run beaker configure test to check that your configuration is correct.

For example:

% beaker configure test⏎
Beaker Configuration Test

Authenticating with user token: <your token>

Authenticated as user: "<your username>" (<your id>)


You must install Docker to use Beaker, because Beaker is built around managing experiment code contained in Docker containers.

Install the appropriate Docker Desktop version from the Docker site, following Docker’s instructions.

Next step

When you have your account, Beaker, and Docker each installed and configured, proceed to your first experiment to learn the fundamentals of experiments with Beaker.