Beaker Images

  1. Beaker Images
    1. Preparation: Build a Docker Image
    2. Create and Upload
    3. Inspect
    4. Download
    5. Cleanup

Images are Beaker’s unit of executable code. A Beaker image combines a Docker image with metadata, such as its author and description, and an optional richer narrative in markdown. Please refer to the wordcount example for an overview.

Like datasets, Beaker images are immutable. The following example shows how to create and use images.

Preparation: Build a Docker Image

This example refers to the wordcount example, but you can use any Docker image at your disposal. To build it, copy the example’s files and build them with the following command

docker build -t wordcount <path/to/wordcount/directory>

Create and Upload

You can create and upload any Docker image as a Beaker image with a single command. Behind the scenes, Beaker pushes your Docker image to a private repository. This guarantees that the image will remain available and unchanged for future experiments.

▶ beaker image create --name wordcount wordcount
Pushing wordcount as wordcount (bp_qbjvcda1sed7)...
The push refers to repository []
172b7a93847f: Preparing
bca0cc28f8e3: Preparing
3a1dff9afffd: Preparing
3a1dff9afffd: Layer already exists
bca0cc28f8e3: Pushed
172b7a93847f: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:4c70545c15cca8d30b3adfd004a708fcdec910f162fa825861fe138200f80e19 size: 940

Notice that each image is assigned a unique ID in addition to the name we chose. Any object, including images, can be referred to by its name or ID. Like any object, an image can be renamed, but its ID is guaranteed to remain stable. The following two commands are equivalent:

beaker image inspect examples/wordcount
beaker image inspect bp_qbjvcda1sed7


An image’s metadata can be retrieved with beaker image inspect.

▶ beaker image inspect examples/wordcount
        "id": "bp_qbjvcda1sed7",
        "user": {
            "id": "us_gpx6zozipf5o",
            "name": "examples",
            "display_name": "Beaker Examples"
        "name": "wordcount",
        "created": "2018-08-22T22:47:10.915236Z",
        "committed": "2018-08-22T22:47:23.422262Z",
        "original_tag": "wordcount",
        "description": "A simple example to count words in text."


You can pull an image to your local machine at any time with beaker image pull.

▶ beaker image pull examples/wordcount
Pulling ...
latest: Pulling from ai2-beaker-core/public/bduufrl06q5ner2l0440
Digest: sha256:4c70545c15cca8d30b3adfd004a708fcdec910f162fa825861fe138200f80e19
Status: Downloaded newer image for

In order to avoid accidentally overwriting your local images, this command assigns Beaker’s random internally assigned tag by default. To assign a more human-friendly tag, set it with an additional argument:

▶ beaker image pull examples/wordcount friendly-name


To clean up, simply docker image rm any images created above.

Because images are immutable, they can’t be deleted. It will be possible to archive them in the near future.